Today, I went to the local fair. I had the preconceived notion that I wasn't going to enjoy it. My enjoyment of the fair has exponentially decayed the past couple years. It feels like you pay money to get inside to pay more money. This year, I was contemplating not going, but then I found out that being 17, I could get in today for one dollar.
Brief side note, 17 has been a good age. You are now old enough to get most jobs, and in general be treated more like an adult. But at the same time, you still can get reduced prices on things, you still qualify for the "kid price".
The first 100 "kids" not only cost a dollar, but they also got a goody bag. So we decided to get there right when it opened. At 10 am we started our adventure at the fair. My youngest sister got one of the goody bags, I didn't really want one. We then saw that my Grandpa got two first place ribbons for his watercolor paintings. Way to go G-pops. Next, we went over to the baked goods. My Mom got second in a muffin contest, and second or third (long story) in an apple pie contest. Gabby and Grandma entered a bar cookie competition together, theirs was the best by far in my unbiased opinion.
Next, we toured the rest of the fair. I looked at the pictures and decided to enter some next year. We stopped by the petting zoo. Good times. I didn't know there was such as thing as a zebra-donkey mix. Next was the highlight of the entire day. I saw a big monster truck and was delighted to find out it was free to ride on it. Grandpa was just as excited as we were to ride on it. We waited in line, it could take 9 passengers at a time. When it was our turn, the driver asked Grandpa if he wanted to go slow. Gramps said no, he wanted to go fast. It was a great ride. We did doughnuts, and even Gabby went on it. It was a fairly long ride, but best of all, it was completely free! After that, we went to a few other booths. We left the fair at 3 pm. It was a long, but surprisingly fun day.
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