Sunday, February 27, 2011


While reading a rather dense book for one of my political science classes, I came across a definition of trust that was thought provoking. According to the late Charles Tilly in his book on democracy, "trust consists of placing valued outcome at risk to others' malfeasance, mistakes, or failures." It got me thinking about who I trust and how I show that to them. Maybe it isn't the best definition you've heard, but after reading for hours through material that was not very interesting, something about this simple statement stood out to me. It is worth considering how you choose who you trust and how to you show them that you do so.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm Back. Maybe.

It has been quite some time since I last told the world how my day went. I'm not sure why I ever felt like I needed to do so or who even read my ramblings. For the longest time after my rather abrupt blogger death , I mainly felt relief to not feel like I had to blog everyday. Now, I am thinking it is good for me to write.

That being said, who knows exactly how I will feel tomorrow or the day after that. If we are going to be honest, who even knows if I will be around tomorrow or the day after that. It is a fact of life that you never know when it is going to end or if Danny is going to feel like blogging. It is up to you how to deal with those realities.