Sunday, May 31, 2009
Racing and Running
Today I had the feeling I was being followed while I was trailing running through the forest. It was a weird feeling, but I don't think anything was there. It did help me to run faster though, quite a bit faster. Speaking of running, my jogging class is the only class I have tomorrow. Being at 8:00am on a Monday, I am really tempted to skip it. We shall see.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Up and Out
Today I finally finished my essay. It feels good to finally be done with it. Although, there is a chance I may rewrite it after I get my grade back. Hopefully, that won't be necessary.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Running Late Again
Today I went jogging before my class. I was running a bit late running, so I almost didn't make it to class on time. This was the last class meeting of the year, so I really didn't want to be late. Although we are done meeting, I still have quite a bit of work to do for that class.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Head Hit
Today I had my racquetball class. It was only fitting that I took a shot in the face considering I've done the same thing to other people twice. It didn't really hurt that bad. I have really enjoyed learning to play racquetball and hope to be able to play it more.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Roughing It
Today I made good progress on my essay. I finally finished my rough draft. After I finish this essay, I will only have two finals to think about for the rest of the quarter. However, they will require quite a bit of thinking.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Write or Wrong
Today I continued to work on my essay. After I finish this essay, I only have two finals left to worry about for the quarter. It is an interesting time to be writing an essay about North Korea. Perhaps I will have to change my essay a bit after recent events. Although it is an interesting time to be writing about North Korea, that doesn't mean my essay is interesting or any easier to write.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Book Breaking
Today was Memorial Day. I would like to thank all those that have or are fighting for our country and our freedom.
It was nice to have the day off of school. To be honest, summer break started a couple weeks ago for me mentally. When the sun came out, pressure to ignore schoolwork crept in. Thankfully, I have slowly chipped away at the remaining projects I have for the quarter. It is just way more fun to be outside enjoying the nice weather with friends. A balance between the two needs to be found.
It was nice to have the day off of school. To be honest, summer break started a couple weeks ago for me mentally. When the sun came out, pressure to ignore schoolwork crept in. Thankfully, I have slowly chipped away at the remaining projects I have for the quarter. It is just way more fun to be outside enjoying the nice weather with friends. A balance between the two needs to be found.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Marathon Man
Today it was another glorious day outside. I played some soccer with some friends. Bellingham had a large festival thing today that I went to. It was to celebrate the end of the ski to sea marathon. Speaking of which, I plan to run a half marathon this summer.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Lost and Found
Today I decided to jog in unknown territory. Eventually, I was quite lost. I had no clue where I was or where I was going. Thankfully, I had an entire bay to use as a landmark to get back to a familiar area. I even made it back to campus in time for lunch.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Mystery Man
Today I was flagged down by a guy after I left my class. He knew my name and looked familiar, but I didn't know exactly who he was. He claimed I played a basketball game the other day with him and another guy. I have no memory at all about a basketball game. It was strange. He thought for sure I was the person. Perhaps I have a basketball playing clone on campus, or my future self traveled back in time to play basketball.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Ultimate Adventure
Today was another nice sunny day. With the weather being nice, I decided to throw together a "soccer and frisbee extraordinaire". It was fun. A group of five of us threw around a frisbee and kicked a soccer ball. Eventually, we were recruited to join a game of ultimate frisbee. It was my first time ever playing. The frisbee was thrown to me once, which I caught for a score.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Fun and Sun
Today was a nice sunny day. So nice, I walked down to the waterfront to work on homework. Once I got to the water, I didn't really feel like working on homework. I tried, but it was hard to in the wind. Thankfully, I didn't really need to work on homework today. Most of today was spent having fun and soaking in some sun.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Redeem Team
Today I woke up quite a bit earlier than planned. With the extra time, I decided to go running. In my racquetball class, I accidentally hit someone in the throat with the ball. The worst part was it was my own partner. I got back the midterm I took a week ago and did better on it than I thought.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Left Turn not Right
Today I had my early jogging class. We were running with a partner on a path in the woods. The teacher wasn't very specific on which way we were supposed to go. My partner and I were in the front, so we decided to take a left. We accidentally chose the really steep path. I don't think the rest of the class was very happy with us, but we all got a good workout.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Family WeekEnds
Today my family had to head back home. We had a lot of fun at the park again today. I can only speak for myself, but I think everyone had a great time at Western. I had a lot of stuff planned for us to do, I wanted to make sure everyone had a great time. In an effort to get everything done, I came close to ruining the fun a couple times. I think they were just happy to be here, I didn't need to wow them with lots of stuff to make them happy. They are welcome any time.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
By the Bay
Today my family came up to Western for family weekend. It was fun showing them where and how I have been living this school year. I got to take them to my favorite local restaurant and we had a picnic down by the bay. We may have not done all the stuff I wanted, but just being together is what is the most important.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Spring Cleaning
Today I spent over an hour cleaning the room for when the family arrives. Hopefully, they will notice. It is going to be fun having the entire family at Western for the first time this year.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tour Route
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Oh Brother
Today my brother rode the train and bus to Western. It is nice to have him here for a couple days. This weekend, the rest of my family is visiting for family weekend. I can't wait.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Midterm Time
Today I had my midterm. I am glad it is finally over. The test itself went fairly well. It was basically what I expected. It will take a day or two for me to realize I no longer have to spend all my free time studying. When that realization finally sinks in, it will be a great feeling.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Examed Out
Most of today was spent studying for tomorrow's midterm. I wish I could say that after hours of studying I feel ready to take the test, but I don't. There is so much material we have covered. I think I have reached the point tonight where staying up later won't really accomplish much. Hopefully, I can squeeze in a bit more study time tomorrow morning before the exam. I hope it goes well, but even if it doesn't, at least it will be over.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Back to the Books
Happy Mother's Day to all, especially my own Mother. It was fun surprising my family with a trip home for the weekend. We all had a great time. Now, I need to start thinking about, or more appropriately preparing for, my midterm on Tuesday.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Today it was nice to be home. I played outside in the nice weather with my siblings. For Mother's Day, we had a nice meal with my grandparents. Afterwards, my siblings and I went to the theatre and watched a movie, it was fun.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Surprise Visit
Today I got a ride home from a friend. I didn't tell anyone in my family that I was coming home. I tried to break into my house. Good news, it was hard to do. Our dog even barked at me. Bad news, I wasn't able to sneak all the way into the house and scraped my arm climbing over the fence. I called the house and talked to my dad. Eventually, he saw me standing outside the window. He was surprised. It is nice to be home.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
On Time is Time Gone
Today, for one of the first times all quarter, I didn't have to run to get to my racquetball class on time. In fact, I was several minutes early, it wasn't on purpose though. To be honest, I like getting there right before class starts. It makes the trip to class a bit more exciting, and I don't have to sit around waiting for class to start. It also means I get to sleep in for that much longer.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Need to Know
My professor posted the study guide for our midterm online the other day. I was afraid to open it. I really didn't want to know what I needed to know. Today, I finally gave in and looked at the study guide. Thankfully, I have several days to study before the exam, but that is the only good news about the study guide.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Name Game
Today I finished my essay that was due. Basically, all it needed was a title. I am happy with how it turned out, hopefully my professor is as well. Now, I need to start thinking about my midterm one week from today.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Write On
Today I continued to work on my essay. I met with my professor to talk about the paper. My mom helped critique my essay. Overall, I feel it is a fairly decent essay. All that is missing right now is a title, but that can wait until tomorrow.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Walk Out Before Walk Off
The game itself was intense. The Mariners were down a run in the bottom of the ninth inning, but tied the game up with a home run sending it into extra innings. At one point, I said just about everything except for a foul ball coming near us had happened. We had done the wave, cheered, and booed.
The game continued. In the 13th inning, the A's scored three runs. A lot of the people who hadn't left when extra innings started left thinking the game was out of reach. In the bottom of the 13th, Ichiro hit a two out single to tie the game. The game kept going, we even had a second 7th inning stretch in the 14th inning. A little after this, I got my wish. A pop up was headed our way. Unfortunately, after 10 innings, I had put my glove away. The ball kept getting closer. Basically, I froze up. The ball landed within six feet of me and rolled to a little kid.
In the 15th inning, the Mariners were in position to win. About this time, I got a phone call saying the bus I needed to take was heading back to the college. As my roommate and I left the stadium, Ichiro was intentionally walked to load the bases. As we got on the bus, the Mariners won with a hit by the next batter. The game was 5 hours and 3 minutes and I was there for 5 hours and 1 minute of it.
Overall, my feelings on the game are divided. I sat in a nice seat and witnessed an intense game. That being said, I missed probably the only chance I will ever have at catching a ball during the game, missed seeing the winning hit, and didn't get back to the college until well after dinner was over. It will be hard for the next game I attend to top this one though.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Work Out
For the first time in quite a few days, I didn't work on my essay. Instead, I worked on my reading homework for the same class. I still have quite a bit of reading left to do before Monday, and my essay deadline is looming in the not too distant future after that, Tuesday.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Draft Day
Today I planned to meet with my professor to discuss my paper, or more appropriately, my lack there of. I waited over an hour and a half outside her office for her to finish talking to other people about their papers.
I was about to miss lunch, so I had to decide between talking to my professor about my essay or eating. Not surprisingly, I chose lunch. I left before talking to my professor. However, during the time I spent waiting, I was able to have a few miniature breakthroughs. The time wasn't all for naught.
After lunch, I got to work on a third draft of my essay. After several hours, I had a draft. Although I am not as happy with this draft as the first one, it does a much better job fulfilling the criteria. At this point, I am just happy to have a draft, period.
I was about to miss lunch, so I had to decide between talking to my professor about my essay or eating. Not surprisingly, I chose lunch. I left before talking to my professor. However, during the time I spent waiting, I was able to have a few miniature breakthroughs. The time wasn't all for naught.
After lunch, I got to work on a third draft of my essay. After several hours, I had a draft. Although I am not as happy with this draft as the first one, it does a much better job fulfilling the criteria. At this point, I am just happy to have a draft, period.
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