Friday, October 31, 2008
Class Pass
Today I only had one class. It was a bit unfortunate that it also happened to be my earliest class, so I didn't get to sleep in. The class got out early, and it was my only class of the day, so I am not complaining. I also got back my midterm, and did quite well. So all in all it was a good day class wise.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Drill Thrill
Today I only had one class. With five minutes left in the class, the fire alarm went off. I don't think it was a planned drill, but I also don't think it was a fire. I wish it could have gone off a bit sooner though so that class could have been over sooner.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Mid-Time is Out
Today I had another midterm. I tried not to stress about it too much. It was in my Philosophy class. I felt like things were going well until there were five minutes left before we had to turn the test in.
I was checking my answers and the last one seemed wrong. I tried to hurry and quickly redo the problem, but then it seemed even more wrong. I changed it again, the professor said only two minutes left. I changed my answer multiple times in the last few minutes, I wish I could say to the right answer, but I am not sure.
I felt an incredible sense of relief this afternoon not having any homework, or a midterm to worry about. This relief is only temporary because I need to start thinking about my last, and probably hardest midterm, coming up on Monday.
I was checking my answers and the last one seemed wrong. I tried to hurry and quickly redo the problem, but then it seemed even more wrong. I changed it again, the professor said only two minutes left. I changed my answer multiple times in the last few minutes, I wish I could say to the right answer, but I am not sure.
I felt an incredible sense of relief this afternoon not having any homework, or a midterm to worry about. This relief is only temporary because I need to start thinking about my last, and probably hardest midterm, coming up on Monday.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Midterm Down
Today I had my first midterm of the quarter. I was a bit nervous, not knowing what it was going to be like. I got up early to study for it, but being up early just gave me more time to worry. I feel like I did well on the test, but only time will tell.
After it was over, I felt overjoyed and on top of the world. This was short lived, as I remembered I have another midterm tomorrow morning. I wish I could say I studied a bunch for it, but that wouldn't be truthful. After my midterm tomorrow morning, I have 4.5 hours to forget about midterms until I get the study guide for my final midterm tomorrow afternoon.
After it was over, I felt overjoyed and on top of the world. This was short lived, as I remembered I have another midterm tomorrow morning. I wish I could say I studied a bunch for it, but that wouldn't be truthful. After my midterm tomorrow morning, I have 4.5 hours to forget about midterms until I get the study guide for my final midterm tomorrow afternoon.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Time Out
(picture of my desk/gallery/footrest/table/study cubicle/office)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Weakend Over
Today my weekend came to an end. I had grand plans of studying a bunch this weekend for my midterms. While I did study some, I didn't nearly study as much as I had hoped or planned. There is always tomorrow, but I am running out of those.
My soccer team also had a game today. My team won, and we are undefeated. It was basically inevitable what would happened with the rat trap I bought yesterday, especially when I have midterms I should be studying for. See a video of it here on my roommate's blog.
My soccer team also had a game today. My team won, and we are undefeated. It was basically inevitable what would happened with the rat trap I bought yesterday, especially when I have midterms I should be studying for. See a video of it here on my roommate's blog.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Weekend of Stalling
Today is Friday. I am really glad it is the weekend. The only thing I am not super glad about is I need to study for my midterms. I know I should, but I really don't want to. But the sooner I do, the sooner I get it over with.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Today I started to think about midterms. Next week, I have two of them. The week after that, another. I probably should start studying for them soon, as in yesterday soon.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Practice Pitfalls
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Presentation Presented
Today was the day of my group presentation. I was a bit nervous about how it would go, but I think our group did a great job. Things really came together. It made the late night group meeting last night more than worth it. Hopefully, my professor thinks we did as good a job as I do.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Meetings Matter
I just got back from my group meeting. It went a bit later than I hoped, but finished earlier than I expected. I would say it was an extremely productive meeting, it may have saved our project.
Hopefully everything goes smoothly tomorrow when I present. I hear my youngest sister has to give her first oral report in her third grade class tomorrow. It seems ironic we both have three minute speeches to give in our class tomorrow. I hope we both do well.
Hopefully everything goes smoothly tomorrow when I present. I hear my youngest sister has to give her first oral report in her third grade class tomorrow. It seems ironic we both have three minute speeches to give in our class tomorrow. I hope we both do well.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Best of Both Worlds
After that, the day was a little less glorious. I worked on homework for a while. Then I had a three hour meeting for a group project. The only thing worse than a three hour group meeting is one in which you don't get much accomplished and know you have another group meeting tomorrow night, the day before the project is due, starting at 9:00pm. I can't wait.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Forest Gumption
After we had conquered the forest, we turned our efforts to the library. The library was nearly as big as the forest, and just as easy to get lost in. It was my first time exploring the library, but it definitely wasn't my last.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Today I finally finished unpacking my stuff. I had left a big pile of stuff in the closest. Some of the stuff I hadn't even remembered bringing. It is nice to finally be completely unpacked and more organized.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Group Projecting
Today I had a group meeting for a project. We met at a Starbucks about a mile from campus. I was able to catch the bus and get there just in time. I am not a huge fan of group projects, but maybe college group projects will be better. I at least feel like everyone in the group is trying to do their fair part, they better when it is worth 15% of our entire grade for the class.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Homework is Work
Today I was able to sleep in, it was quite nice. I also had quite a bit of homework. It seems the amount of homework I have is growing exponentially as the school year goes on. I guess having homework at college can be expected.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Today it was back to the classroom. Fairly soon I have to start thinking about midterms and such. But right now, things are going fairly well.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Game Off and On
Today my rec soccer team had our first game, quickly followed by our second game. The first 'game', the other team only had four people so it was a forfeit. We added some people on their team and had a scrimmage just for fun.
An hour later, our second game started. This time the other team actually had more eligible people than us. It didn't matter, our team won 6-0. I even scored a goal. It was a lot of fun. I didn't even mind getting up early to play.
An hour later, our second game started. This time the other team actually had more eligible people than us. It didn't matter, our team won 6-0. I even scored a goal. It was a lot of fun. I didn't even mind getting up early to play.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Bus Adventure
Today my roommate and I went on a bus adventure. We wanted to get to the mall. This is a bit harder than it sounds when you don't really know where things are at, or the bus routes. We were able to make it to the mall eventually.
I spent most of my time in Target. It was also strange because the Target was exactly like one in Olympia. I felt like I if I walked out the front doors, I would be in Olympia. It kind of was freaking me out.
On the way back to campus, we probably didn't take the most direct route. Also on the way back, I finally started to regain my sense of smell after being sick all week, only to smell the feet of the person next to me who took their shoes off.
After around an hour, we made it back to the campus. We were gone almost 5 hours, nearly 2 of which were spent on a bus or waiting for one. The other 3 were spent wandering around Target and trying to decide what to get for lunch. I think getting lost downtown might become a weekly habit.
I spent most of my time in Target. It was also strange because the Target was exactly like one in Olympia. I felt like I if I walked out the front doors, I would be in Olympia. It kind of was freaking me out.
On the way back to campus, we probably didn't take the most direct route. Also on the way back, I finally started to regain my sense of smell after being sick all week, only to smell the feet of the person next to me who took their shoes off.
After around an hour, we made it back to the campus. We were gone almost 5 hours, nearly 2 of which were spent on a bus or waiting for one. The other 3 were spent wandering around Target and trying to decide what to get for lunch. I think getting lost downtown might become a weekly habit.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Practice Postponed
Today I am so glad it is Friday. I am still not feeling 100%, but hopefully I will feel better after the weekend. I thought I was supposed to have soccer practice today, but after looking around for people for 30 minutes, I figured it was cancelled. Sure enough, I later read an email saying it was cancelled. Our first game is Sunday.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Ping Ponged Out
Today I only had one class. I really enjoy Tuesdays and Thursdays. I played some ping pong with one of my suitemates. It was fun until the area got invaded by indoor soccer players. I almost got hit in the head with a soccer ball, pretty soon after that we quit playing.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Practice Doesn't Make Perfect
Today I had soccer practice. It was fun, although I haven't been playing that well. We played until it was so dark it was hard to tell who was on your team. I played a card game with some people that was fun even though I lost. The past few days I haven't been feeling 100%, closer to 87%. It isn't that bad, but hopefully it won't last too much longer.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Today I was running a bit late to breakfast. I got there right after they closed. It wasn't that bad though, I just had to wait 30 minutes for lunch to start. I only have one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is nice.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Philosophy, Poly Sci, and Pool
Today it was back to the classroom. Philosophy is getting harder, and political science is getting more interesting. I also played some pool today. I played good for about five shots, and then I couldn't make anything.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sunday Funday
Today it was nice to relax, and enjoy the end of the weekend. I did find time to do a little bit of homework. My soccer team also had a practice. It was fun. I'm really glad I got on a team.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Windy Walk
Today I walked to the store. It was extremely windy. I bought an umbrella for walking back in the rain, but it was so windy I didn't want to use it. I didn't want it to break right after I bought it. I have now been at college for two weeks.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Pop Quizzed
Today I was glad it was Friday. I turned in my first assignment in Philosophy. I also had a pop quiz in my Political Science class. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I was involved in a picture scavenger hunt. It was fun, and a bit bizarre.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Alarm Clocked Out
Today my alarm clock didn't go off. I woke up an hour later than I had thought I was going to wake up. It all worked out, my first class wasn't until noon. I also did some laundry for the first time. For quite a while I have been wanting/needing to do some laundry, but I never found the time to. Either that, or the one washing machine was in use.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Fire Drilled
Today was a good day. I didn't have a pop quiz in my political science class like I thought. It will happen on Friday. During my team's soccer practice, I scored a goal off a header. Tonight, our dorm had a fire drill. It was not fun, it happened in the middle of the TV show I was watching.
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