Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Today is Tuesday
Today I didn't have a class until noon. During this class, I felt really sick. I contemplated leaving, I felt that bad. In the end, I made it through the class, barely. Now I feel fine, a bit tired, but it is getting late.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday Mania
Today was back to the classroom. I am starting to like my classes more and more. We shall see how long this feeling lasts. I also had my first practice for intramural soccer. It was a lot of fun after I was able to find it.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sunday of Relaxation
Today it was nice to relax and take it easy. I did find time to finish most of my homework as well. Back to classes tomorrow.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Bizarre Birthday
Today is my 19th birthday. It was strange and a bit sad to have a birthday away from home. It made me miss my family. It was also strange having my special day not be special to anyone else except for myself.
That being said, today was a fun day. Nothing special though, it just felt like a regular day. Besides missing lunch and being hungry all day, my birthday went well. I have been at college for a week now.
That being said, today was a fun day. Nothing special though, it just felt like a regular day. Besides missing lunch and being hungry all day, my birthday went well. I have been at college for a week now.
Friday, September 26, 2008
No Food For Thought
Today I was almost late to both my classes, keyword almost. I made it to both with about 30 seconds to spare, although it was really hard to find a seat.
I received a birthday gift from my family. I was thankful, but it wasn't fun carrying around the diaper box they sent stuff in. I had a few strange looks and comments.
Tonight, I missed dinner. I thought for sure places would be open later on Friday, but they actually close earlier. I also joined a pickup game of soccer. It was really fun. I would probably still be playing right now but 'they' turned the lights out on us. It was a fun day.
I received a birthday gift from my family. I was thankful, but it wasn't fun carrying around the diaper box they sent stuff in. I had a few strange looks and comments.
Tonight, I missed dinner. I thought for sure places would be open later on Friday, but they actually close earlier. I also joined a pickup game of soccer. It was really fun. I would probably still be playing right now but 'they' turned the lights out on us. It was a fun day.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Classes Continued
Today I had another political science class for the first time. I also went to the REC center for the first time. It was really fun.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Fairhaven Domination
Today was my first day of classes. My philosophy class seems like it will be interesting. I also had a political science class today. It is about world politics. I think it will be interesting, but it will be quite a bit of work.
Tonight, my dorm (Fairhaven) faced another dorm in a game of capture the flag. It was the funnest thing I have done at college so far. We won, no problem. What do we eat, what do we eat? Meat! Meat! Meat! How do we eat it? Raw! Raw! Raw!
Tonight, my dorm (Fairhaven) faced another dorm in a game of capture the flag. It was the funnest thing I have done at college so far. We won, no problem. What do we eat, what do we eat? Meat! Meat! Meat! How do we eat it? Raw! Raw! Raw!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Never Ending Party
Today I left campus for the first time since I arrived here. It was also the first time I took the bus, and it sure was full. I went to a store to get some supplies I needed.
Tonight was convocation for the freshman. After the ceremony, we all walked along a path filled with cheering, screaming, and high-fiving people. I was in the very back of this long path of people because I wanted to sit in the front at the ceremony, and I mean the very back as in the caboose of the long train of people.
There was also a fireworks display that I thought would never end. Just when I thought it was over, another small firework would go off. I couldn't really see much of the fireworks anyway, but it was still fun. Tomorrow I have my first classes, I wish I was excited.
Tonight was convocation for the freshman. After the ceremony, we all walked along a path filled with cheering, screaming, and high-fiving people. I was in the very back of this long path of people because I wanted to sit in the front at the ceremony, and I mean the very back as in the caboose of the long train of people.
There was also a fireworks display that I thought would never end. Just when I thought it was over, another small firework would go off. I couldn't really see much of the fireworks anyway, but it was still fun. Tomorrow I have my first classes, I wish I was excited.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Full Classes and Belly
Today I had to take my first college test. No, classes haven't started yet. I decided to take the math placement test early in the morning. I am not sure what class I placed in to, but not a single math class had any openings anyways. Neither did hardly any other classes. I spent a couple hours trying to rearrange my schedule, but practically every class was full. Speaking of which, the food in the dorm rooms has been quite good.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hungry Hike
Today I went on a hike in the morning. We hiked to the top of a hill and had a light breakfast. There was a really nice view of Bellingham from up there. The dining halls finally opened tonight. I have been hungry the past two days as nothing has been open, and I haven't had much food. I also met another suite mate who lives in the room next door this afternoon.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
First Day
Today I arrived at college. It took a little over three hours to get here. I went to a few orientation type events. It was sad when my family left, I will miss them. Tomorrow morning I have a breakfast thing to go to so I hope I get a good nights sleep.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Last Meal
Today was my last day home before I go to college. That being said, much of today was spent packing. It is hard to know whether or not I am forgetting something I need.
We had a goodbye dinner and dessert at my grandparents' house with both sets of grandparents. It was a fun time being together and eating good food. I am slightly nervous about how tomorrow and the rest of tonight are going to go.
We had a goodbye dinner and dessert at my grandparents' house with both sets of grandparents. It was a fun time being together and eating good food. I am slightly nervous about how tomorrow and the rest of tonight are going to go.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Pickled Out
Today was my last day at pickleball for quite some time. I rode my bike to pickleball, and left earlier than I normally do, as I usually get there after it starts. I played fairly well.
After everyone left, the man challenged me to some one on one as it was my last time there for a while. We ended up playing three games. Although I played well and battled as hard as I could, I lost all three games. After over an hour of one on one, I left for home.
On the way home, my bike broke. The gears no longer work. The same bike I planned to take to college. I think I played a bit too long and too hard at pickleball, because I felt sick the rest of the day. I think playing from 8:45am to 1:00pm was a bit too much, but I still had fun my last time at pickleball for a while.
After everyone left, the man challenged me to some one on one as it was my last time there for a while. We ended up playing three games. Although I played well and battled as hard as I could, I lost all three games. After over an hour of one on one, I left for home.
On the way home, my bike broke. The gears no longer work. The same bike I planned to take to college. I think I played a bit too long and too hard at pickleball, because I felt sick the rest of the day. I think playing from 8:45am to 1:00pm was a bit too much, but I still had fun my last time at pickleball for a while.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thinking and Dining
Today we went to one of my favorite restaurants in Olympia. It was nice to go there before I leave for college. Most of today I spent thinking about getting ready to go to college. Not really doing anything, but just thinking about it.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Liked Hike
Today I went to pickleball for a little under an hour. I hurried home to get ready to go on a hike with my father's class. It was a fun hike, the weather was nice. After we got back, my sister, dog, and I went swimming. We all had a good time, although our dog didn't want to jump off the dock as I had hoped. After swimming, I went to my sister's soccer game. She played well. Overall, it was a fun, busy day.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Happy Birthday x2
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Today was my last Sunday home before I leave for college. I leave for college on Saturday. It was a fun Sunday, but a bit sad as it is my last at home. I am happy/sad, nervous/excited, and dreading/ looking forward to going to college all at the same time. It is a rather strange emotion, and hard to explain.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Salmon and Soccer
Today I went to a Western alumni/new student salmon barbecue. The food was good and it was nice to meet people from the area who have gone to/are going to Western. We then went to my sister's soccer game. It was fun to get to watch her play. The game ended up a 1-1.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Shots Taken and Not Taken
Today my father and I went on our once annual golf outing. It is almost always a spur of the moment thing, but we always go golfing at least once a year. I won't be home much longer, so he decided we would go today.
We don't play golf enough to be super good at it. That doesn't mean that we don't get a good shot every now and then. At first we were in a rush because there were people behind us and we didn't want to get in their way. It turns out, there was an army of golfers behind us, around 20 with at least 5 golf carts. At one point, this group was teeing off about 15 feet behind me while I was trying to get out of a sand trap. Golf balls were literally whizzing by my head at fast speeds. I was scared for my life.
I brought our camera so I could take some pictures. I handed the camera to my dad because I didn't have room for it in my golf bag. When I went to get the camera from his bag, we couldn't find it. We looked in every pocket, of which golf bags have quite a few. We took out all the clubs and shook the bag. Several items my father didn't even know he had fell out of the bag, but not a camera.
We asked other golfers and the manager at the club house if anyone had seen a camera. Nobody had. We shook down the bag one more time, but couldn't find the camera. We felt like leaving, the joy had been taken out of our trip. We decided to play a few more holes and forget about the camera and just have a good time.
The last three holes were some of the best either of us had ever played. I mean we made shots you would expect to see pros make. We had a great time, then we remembered the camera. During one last shakedown/beat down of the golf bag, the camera popped out. What followed was a joyous celebration after a strange, but memorable day of golf. Thanks Dad.
We don't play golf enough to be super good at it. That doesn't mean that we don't get a good shot every now and then. At first we were in a rush because there were people behind us and we didn't want to get in their way. It turns out, there was an army of golfers behind us, around 20 with at least 5 golf carts. At one point, this group was teeing off about 15 feet behind me while I was trying to get out of a sand trap. Golf balls were literally whizzing by my head at fast speeds. I was scared for my life.
I brought our camera so I could take some pictures. I handed the camera to my dad because I didn't have room for it in my golf bag. When I went to get the camera from his bag, we couldn't find it. We looked in every pocket, of which golf bags have quite a few. We took out all the clubs and shook the bag. Several items my father didn't even know he had fell out of the bag, but not a camera.
We asked other golfers and the manager at the club house if anyone had seen a camera. Nobody had. We shook down the bag one more time, but couldn't find the camera. We felt like leaving, the joy had been taken out of our trip. We decided to play a few more holes and forget about the camera and just have a good time.
The last three holes were some of the best either of us had ever played. I mean we made shots you would expect to see pros make. We had a great time, then we remembered the camera. During one last shakedown/beat down of the golf bag, the camera popped out. What followed was a joyous celebration after a strange, but memorable day of golf. Thanks Dad.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Day No Play
Today pickleball was cancelled. It was a bit sad. My sister had a soccer game which I wasn't able to go to. Too bad because they won and she played well. But I'll probably be able to go to her next game.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Knife Knows
Today I learned a valuable, and somewhat painful, lesson. I was getting a peeler out of the knife drawer. I reached to grab something and got poked in the finger with something sharp. This isn't surprising when dealing with the knife drawer.
What was surprising, was when after yelling out in pain and explaining what happened to my family, I did the same thing again. Another finger got stabbed by the same sharp object. And this is where I learned my lesson. It reaffirmed the lesson of always being extra careful when reaching into the knife drawer, and taught me it is painful to both finger and pride to get stabbed by the same knife twice.
What was surprising, was when after yelling out in pain and explaining what happened to my family, I did the same thing again. Another finger got stabbed by the same sharp object. And this is where I learned my lesson. It reaffirmed the lesson of always being extra careful when reaching into the knife drawer, and taught me it is painful to both finger and pride to get stabbed by the same knife twice.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Going to Game
Today I rode my bike to pickleball. I played fairly well today, and had a good time. It was a bit sad thinking about how I only have a few more times to play. And with pickleball being cancelled this Thursday, one less time to do so.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Blackberry Bounty
Today my mom made some jam and a dessert with the blackberries we picked yesterday. The dessert was very good, almost too good. I haven't tasted the jam yet, although it will probably be excellent. The reward from the berries is well worth the time and pain put in to picking them. Thanks for the jam and dessert mom.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Barbecue and Blackberries
Saturday, September 6, 2008
No Ray of Hope
Sometimes, I've gotten really good deals from eBay and craigslist, but not today. It may be awhile before I try to buy something from craigslist again. Especially something that is far away, and takes up all my day driving to buy. Oh, and I won't be going to the Mariners game tomorrow against the Yankees.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Good Food
Today my mom and sisters made an excellent dinner. They made calzones, one of my all time favorite meals. It was a great meal, but it made me think of how much I will miss them, and not just their cooking, while I am at college.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Pickleball Playing
Today I rode my bike to pickleball. I played fairly well. I faced the man again. This time, with an audience watching, I lost. It was a bit disappointing, but it was a good game.
I am sad I don't have too many more days of pickleball before I go to college. Hopefully, I will be pickleballing at Western.
I am sad I don't have too many more days of pickleball before I go to college. Hopefully, I will be pickleballing at Western.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Bugs Galore
Today I accidentally left one of the windows down in our car. I picked a bad day to do so. My sister came home from soccer practice and told us there had been swarms of bugs outside where she was practicing. She then said she saw some on the car.
We went out to the car and there were little bugs crawling all over it. I grabbed a flyswatter and killed over 25 of them. Thankfully, only one went inside the car that I know of. There sure were a lot of bugs out today. It was really quite bizarre.
We went out to the car and there were little bugs crawling all over it. I grabbed a flyswatter and killed over 25 of them. Thankfully, only one went inside the car that I know of. There sure were a lot of bugs out today. It was really quite bizarre.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Summer Ending
Today my dad's school had a back to school barbecue. It was fun to go to and see his new students and old ones. It was also a bit strange. Summer is ending. I still have a few more days of summer left, but summer is rapidly coming to an end. This makes me both and happy and sad.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Shopping Spree
Today my mother, sisters, and I went shopping. We had a good time, and got some nice stuff. How can you beat an extra 60% off of clearance?
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