Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Weekend Wanting
Today was a good day. The only problem, I like our DVD player too much. It makes it so fun to watch movies, that it is easy to forget I have school the next day. I can't wait for the weekend, but now I just want to go to bed.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
In the Clear
Today I finally decided enough is enough. It was time to get out of the fuzz and into the clear. Yes, I bought a new DVD player. Several months ago, we got a great deal on a new HDTV. The only problem, we never upgraded our DVD player. This meant although our TV was capable of playing at a certain level, our DVD player could not play anywhere near that level. It made things not nearly as clear as they could have been.
So, after some research, I got a new upconverter DVD player. It was a great price, and I went home to set it up. The only problem, I guess I didn't do enough research. It turns out there is a special cable that didn't come with the DVD player. A special cable as in 24 karat gold plated connector and over $10 a foot cable. It took a little bit of the joy away having to spend almost as much on the cable as the DVD player itself. But after the first test run/movie watching experiment tonight, it was definitely worth it.
So, after some research, I got a new upconverter DVD player. It was a great price, and I went home to set it up. The only problem, I guess I didn't do enough research. It turns out there is a special cable that didn't come with the DVD player. A special cable as in 24 karat gold plated connector and over $10 a foot cable. It took a little bit of the joy away having to spend almost as much on the cable as the DVD player itself. But after the first test run/movie watching experiment tonight, it was definitely worth it.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Monday of Glory
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Done Day
Today I had quite a bit of stuff to accomplish before the weekend was over. I cleaned the office and school, my weekend janitorial jobs. I had a chapter in a book to read. I haven't received the textbook I ordered online yet, but luckily the portion of the book I needed was posted online. I also had an essay I had to write. All in all, I got a lot done today.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Pick Up in the Pickup
We first picked my brother up, that was the point of the trip. He had to check out of his apartment at a certain time. After we loaded up all his stuff in the truck, we hit the road. We drove another hour to visit our aunt, uncle and cousin's house. It was the second time being at the house, with the first time being eight years ago. It was nice to see the cousins. It was my first time seeing my newest cousin Katherine. After leaving their house, we stopped by another cousin's house. This time it was on my dad's side of the family. While we were their, I joined my sister and brother on a swinging chair thing. With my addition, the chair was unable to support our weight and went crashing to the ground. Not only was it startling and traumatic, it was also embarrassing.
After visiting with them for a while, we hit the road again. After having dinner at a favorite Chinese restaurant, we were on our way home. It was a really fun trip. But after 14+ hours of basically nonstop traveling, I was glad to be home.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Especially Special
Today was a good day. I was glad it was Friday. Not only does that mean the weekend is approaching, but this weekend is especially special because my brother is coming home from college. Actually, we are going to pick him up. I also finished my online science test today, worked on other schoolwork, and played softball for quite a while. Yes, it was a good day.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Today I got a lot accomplished. I have a lot of things to get done, especially relating to school. I made a list of over 20 things I wanted to do today. Some were things I have to do today, other things that I need to do soon. Some were things I didn't have to do at all.
Although I didn't do everything, I was able to accomplish quite a bit. It seems when I make a list I get a lot more accomplished. I wonder if this is me, the list, or some combination of the two. Whatever it is, I like it.
Although I didn't do everything, I was able to accomplish quite a bit. It seems when I make a list I get a lot more accomplished. I wonder if this is me, the list, or some combination of the two. Whatever it is, I like it.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Today I saw something for the first time in my life. Well, more like the first time in it's natural environment. I saw an owl. It was at my school, on a short trail that goes through the woods.
It was a rather large looking owl, although I don't know much about them so I couldn't tell you if it really was large for an owl. It was about 15 feet away from me perched on a log. I stared at it in amazement, and it stared right back, but probably not in amazement. As if to show off, it rotated it's neck around like owls can. It was really neat, and one of the coolest animals I've spotted in the wild that is SPSCC.
It was a rather large looking owl, although I don't know much about them so I couldn't tell you if it really was large for an owl. It was about 15 feet away from me perched on a log. I stared at it in amazement, and it stared right back, but probably not in amazement. As if to show off, it rotated it's neck around like owls can. It was really neat, and one of the coolest animals I've spotted in the wild that is SPSCC.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Strike Outta Here
Today, despite the weather, my softball class was outside. It is a lot more fun when we actually play the game outside. One of my at bats, I saw a person missing in a spot in the outfield. I tried to aim my hit that way, but it didn't work. It was quite a bad swing, and I wasn't even close to hitting the ball. It was a little embarrassing.
The very next pitch, as if to make up for it, I hit a shot to center field. It got past the outfielder and went all the way to the fence. It was an inside-the-park home run. I guess I made up for my terrible swing the time before. And I learned a good softball lesson, don't over think the game and/or try too hard.
The very next pitch, as if to make up for it, I hit a shot to center field. It got past the outfielder and went all the way to the fence. It was an inside-the-park home run. I guess I made up for my terrible swing the time before. And I learned a good softball lesson, don't over think the game and/or try too hard.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Lonely Lunch
Today I went to the same restaurant I always do for my Sunday lunch. I am a bit of a man of habit. I love this little Chinese restaurant, and only eat there on Sundays. The rest of my family had other plans for lunch, but I still wanted the usual. I went there and ate by myself. I was a bit surprised that the food didn't taste as good, and it was kind of lonely sitting there eating by myself. I learned what makes a meal is really who you eat it with.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Cleaned Out
Today I was able to get my room cleaned. I found time in between watching it snow, the start of the NBA playoffs, my job, among other things. I don't know why I wait so long to clean my room. Actually, I don't even know why it gets so messy in the first place.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Weekend Waiting
Today I am so glad the school week is over. Not because the week was bad, but because I am so happy for the weekend. It was amazing that it was snowing today, it is really late in the year for it to be snowing. Supposedly, it may snow more this weekend. We shall wait and see.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Deadlined Up
Today I mailed two more scholarships. I also heard back that I have made it to the 'interview stage' on a scholarship for the first time. I am both excited and a little bit nervous at this prospect. Only time will tell how I did on the others. That, and letters I've received saying I didn't win.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Playing Outside the Gym
Today the weather was nice enough for our softball class to finally be outside. It was really fun. Batting was the funnest part. I also started two new scholarships. I plan to finish them tomorrow. Actually, more like I need to finish the tomorrow.
Monday, April 14, 2008
a New Blog is Born
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Masterful Finish
Today I wrapped up a fairly good weekend. I watched the conclusion of the Masters. I played basketball outside with my sisters. My father and I replaced our gate on our fence. Now it actually opens. I also finished writing an essay for my class. It was a rather productive and fun weekend. Now it is back to school time, I can't wait for next weekend.
I added a picture of the lizard to yesterday's post. Check it out.
I added a picture of the lizard to yesterday's post. Check it out.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Bright Day
My little sister found a lizard in our backyard. We caught it and it is currently in a container on our front porch. When I was mowing at my grandparents, right after I finished, I found a baby bird in the grass. Thankfully, it wasn't there a minute sooner or it would be no more.
Both the animals and people were out in force today. The sun has a healing and rejuvenating quality, it seemed to brighten up my day.
(Photo by Sarah)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Timid Test
Today I had my first Environmental Science test online. I didn't really know what to expect. And with it having an hour time limit, I was a little bit worried. I took the test, and thought it was going quite well. I finished in 52 minutes and 7 seconds. When I finished, I was quite happy with how I had done. I am not sure whether the test was just that easy, or if reading and comprehending the text was the reason behind my success. Whatever it was, I hope it continues throughout the quarter, and in all my classes.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Locked In
Today I finally bought a PE locker. Even though I have three PE classes, I didn't really want a locker. My softball coach really wanted people to get a locker. To encourage people to get a locker, and punish those without, if you had a locker he would let you leave five minutes earlier than everyone else. So I finally gave in and bought a locker today just so I can get out early.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Missing Mother
Today my mother left for a conference in Oregon. It will be sort of weird with her gone. And with my brother gone at college, it is strange to only have four family members home. You will be missed mom. But don't worry, I won't destroy the house or anything like that.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Lesson Learned
Today I made a rather costly mistake. Or maybe to be more precise, the past few days I made a mistake. My senior notebook was due today.
The deadline snuck up on me. I didn't know it was a huge deal to have it completely done, so I just didn't really think about it the past few days. And with not thinking about it, of course I didn't work on it.
When I got home from school today, I thought I had plenty of time to finish it and turn it in before the deadline. I had majorly underestimated the time it would take to finish. Not only that, I underestimated the importance this little notebook has. My printer started to run low on ink, things weren't printing, and more things than I thought needed to be done. With things not working out, I thought I would just turn it in tomorrow.
Turns out, this thing has to be turned in today. As in, I can't walk at graduation if it isn't turned in today. I found this out at 4:32pm, a good two hours after school is out, and near hour past the deadline. I was given instructions to find anyone I could at the high school to sign this, as in go start knocking on windows and doors until I find someone.
Thankfully, I was able to turn it in. There is still a chance that because I didn't have a form signed, it won't count as being completed. Hopefully, it won't ban me from walking at graduation. I did however learn a big lesson, don't procrastinate, underestimate, or assume things.
I believe this is the first time I have ever missed a deadline in my academic life on anything. There was one time I forgot to do math homework in the 7th grade, but I was able to finish most of it before class started. I guess I chose the wrong time to tempt fate. As my little sister said, "you should have tested not turning homework in the 1st grade." I wholeheartedly agree. Your senior notebook that needs to be turned in to walk at graduation is not the time to experiment with not turning stuff in.
The deadline snuck up on me. I didn't know it was a huge deal to have it completely done, so I just didn't really think about it the past few days. And with not thinking about it, of course I didn't work on it.
When I got home from school today, I thought I had plenty of time to finish it and turn it in before the deadline. I had majorly underestimated the time it would take to finish. Not only that, I underestimated the importance this little notebook has. My printer started to run low on ink, things weren't printing, and more things than I thought needed to be done. With things not working out, I thought I would just turn it in tomorrow.
Turns out, this thing has to be turned in today. As in, I can't walk at graduation if it isn't turned in today. I found this out at 4:32pm, a good two hours after school is out, and near hour past the deadline. I was given instructions to find anyone I could at the high school to sign this, as in go start knocking on windows and doors until I find someone.
Thankfully, I was able to turn it in. There is still a chance that because I didn't have a form signed, it won't count as being completed. Hopefully, it won't ban me from walking at graduation. I did however learn a big lesson, don't procrastinate, underestimate, or assume things.
I believe this is the first time I have ever missed a deadline in my academic life on anything. There was one time I forgot to do math homework in the 7th grade, but I was able to finish most of it before class started. I guess I chose the wrong time to tempt fate. As my little sister said, "you should have tested not turning homework in the 1st grade." I wholeheartedly agree. Your senior notebook that needs to be turned in to walk at graduation is not the time to experiment with not turning stuff in.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Returned Hiatus
Today my grandparents returned from a several month hiatus to California. It is nice to have them back. We had a good dinner, and enjoyed watching the exciting NCAA championship game. Right now, I am really tired and looking forward to sleep. Maybe it is from the really hard workout in my abs and upper body class today, or maybe because I need sleep for my walking class tomorrow.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Tour De SMU
Today I went to an "admitted student reception" at Saint Martin's University. I toured the campus, heard from a few speakers, and was recognized for my academics. Probably my highlight was the food, it was really good. I am still not sure where I will go to college, but this definitely didn't hurt the SMU cause.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
County Caucus
Today was the next stage in my caucus adventures. This was the county level caucus. I found this caucus to be a lot more interesting than the previous one. It was also a lot longer, it went from 9:00am to 3:30pm. There was a lunch break in the middle, it was a fairly good meal. I am not sure if it was $20 good, but I guess it is used as a fundraiser.
We spent the majority of the time agreeing on the Mason County Republican platform we wanted to adopt. If you had an objection with the platform, you could declare a plank. While I didn't understand all of the fancy terminology, I understood the basic ideas.
I stood up and said I had a problem with the wording and philosophy of one part. I then worked with some like minded people during a break. We had to rewrite what we wanted to change in the platform, and get 6 signatures of people from different precincts to get it on the floor. It was all a bit confusing, but you definitely must follow "the rules." There were time limits for how long issues could be on the floor, orders in which things had to be done, and of course everything had to be debated and voted upon. Every time we voted you had to stand up and have a manual count done of the people for and against.
We then spent the next several hours debating and voting on the issues (planks) people brought up. When it came to the section I had issue with, I thought I should share my opinion. Being one of the youngest people there, I thought I not only represented myself and my precinct, but a large number of young people. So I stood up in front of the group of 80 plus people and gave a short speech. When I was finished, the audience applauded. But when it came time to vote, only 14 people voted for the change, well short of the 49 needed. At least I tried, and had the courage to step out of my comfort zone and speak in front of a large group of people.
In the end, it was a great experience. I was apart of the great political process, and could see it in action. Not only that, but I had an equal voice in the democratic process. I decided not to go to the state level caucus. I wanted to, but I didn't think it would work out. It is quite a long ways from my house, during school, spread over three days, and costs money to go to. I didn't think I had the money or time to go. It would have been fun though, I guess there is always next time.
We spent the majority of the time agreeing on the Mason County Republican platform we wanted to adopt. If you had an objection with the platform, you could declare a plank. While I didn't understand all of the fancy terminology, I understood the basic ideas.
I stood up and said I had a problem with the wording and philosophy of one part. I then worked with some like minded people during a break. We had to rewrite what we wanted to change in the platform, and get 6 signatures of people from different precincts to get it on the floor. It was all a bit confusing, but you definitely must follow "the rules." There were time limits for how long issues could be on the floor, orders in which things had to be done, and of course everything had to be debated and voted upon. Every time we voted you had to stand up and have a manual count done of the people for and against.
We then spent the next several hours debating and voting on the issues (planks) people brought up. When it came to the section I had issue with, I thought I should share my opinion. Being one of the youngest people there, I thought I not only represented myself and my precinct, but a large number of young people. So I stood up in front of the group of 80 plus people and gave a short speech. When I was finished, the audience applauded. But when it came time to vote, only 14 people voted for the change, well short of the 49 needed. At least I tried, and had the courage to step out of my comfort zone and speak in front of a large group of people.
In the end, it was a great experience. I was apart of the great political process, and could see it in action. Not only that, but I had an equal voice in the democratic process. I decided not to go to the state level caucus. I wanted to, but I didn't think it would work out. It is quite a long ways from my house, during school, spread over three days, and costs money to go to. I didn't think I had the money or time to go. It would have been fun though, I guess there is always next time.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Today I am so glad it is Friday. It was a long first week back in school. I am also going to be busy this weekend. Today I became an older cousin to one more person. My aunt had a baby girl, Katherine. I am told this would have been my name if I was a girl. This makes the past six cousins of mine on my mom's side girls.
Welcome Katherine, I am glad you are healthy and your mom is too. Maybe some day you will read this.
Welcome Katherine, I am glad you are healthy and your mom is too. Maybe some day you will read this.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Plowing a Field
Today I did a job I thought I would never do. I plowed a field. I have seen lots of movies where a man is out plowing a field all day. And while I wasn't using a horse or other traditional ways that have been used for hundreds of years, I still plowed a field.
This machine was supposedly "self-propelled" but believe me, it wasn't. There is no way that thing was moving without me. I had to push and pull that thing with all my might at times even if the wheels would spin on there own.
In the end, once I finally figured out I needed to actually turn the plow feature on, not just have the wheels spinning, I thought the field turned out nicely. But it was a lot of work, but I suppose less than it would have been in earlier times.
This machine was supposedly "self-propelled" but believe me, it wasn't. There is no way that thing was moving without me. I had to push and pull that thing with all my might at times even if the wheels would spin on there own.
In the end, once I finally figured out I needed to actually turn the plow feature on, not just have the wheels spinning, I thought the field turned out nicely. But it was a lot of work, but I suppose less than it would have been in earlier times.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Unfirst First Day
Today was the first day my classes actually were what they will be like for the rest of the quarter. In my PE class, we had our first work out day. It was a much harder workout than I thought it would be, it was still fun though. In my war movies class, we started our first movie. And although I could have done it sooner, I finished the first assignment for my online environmental science class. The first "productive" day, the first of forty something.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Today I had two new classes. I have different PE classes on different days. Today was walking and softball. Yes, a walking class. I think it will actually be fun. I need three PE credits to graduate from high school, so I am taking a lot of PE classes this quarter. Tomorrow will actually be the first day I do in physical in my PE classes though. The first classes were just introductions, the actual fun starts tomorrow.
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